5 Things Every Agent Needs to Sell Insurance Online

December 6, 2021 . 4 minute read | Posted by Joseph Kelsey

Business begins online. In fact, LSA reports almost 70% of consumers search the web before engaging with an insurance agent. This not only means you need to be online, but you must also meet the needs of your clients and prospects while looking good at the same time!

We break down the top 5 things every insurance agent must have in place to find success in today’s connected world.

1. A Modern Website

Hanging your sign out there on the world wide web means you are open for business. But to attract new business and retain current clients takes more than having just a few pretty photographs along with an about me page.

For your website to be effective among the sea of competition requires the following:

• Mobile friendly
• Easy navigation
• Clean and crisp design
• Appointment scheduling
• Clear methods of contact
• Quick web page load times

Not attending to even just one of the above core elements can result in visitors bouncing only to land on your competitor’s website. Fortunately, successful websites do need not be overly complex. Instead, you should aim to create a simple website built with your visitor in mind.

2. Automated Calendar Reminders

The days of trading emails to schedule an appointment are over. Trade a few moments up front to save both you and your client the frustration of trying to find an open spot on each other’s calendar. With dynamic online calendars, your prospects and clients can see when you are available at a time that is convenient for them.

It gets even better. Online calendar programs will automatically remind your clients via email or text of your upcoming appointment, without you lifting a finger! No more no-shows and last-minute cancellations. Increase your efficiency and become more effective in serving your client base by integrating a client facing calendar on your website.

3. SMS Text Campaigns

It has long been said your email list is the most important marketing tool in the toolbox. And while email remains king of the sales funnel, texting via SMS is quickly gaining ground. As you build your prospect and client email list, be sure to collect their phone numbers and authorization to text them.

Considering text messages have an open rate of a whopping 98%, adding a text message marketing campaign to your prospecting and cross-sell efforts can significantly increase your reach and ultimately your bottom line. Just like email, SMS marketing can be automated to keep you focused on closing more deals.

4. Noteworthy Newsletters

Monthly newsletters allow you to establish authority among your readership. Additionally, they offer an opportunity to cross-sell and solicit referrals. However, with the audience’s attention in short supply, your newsletter today must be best in class. Spend the appropriate time to make your newsletter a “must read” or seek out vendor (like AgentMethods) to provide the content you need.

5. Staying Social on Social Media

Yes, even insurance agents should be active on social media platforms such as Facebook and LinkedIn. After all, that’s where your clients and prospects are hanging out! But it can be difficult coming up with new content to post on a consistent basis. Fortunately, there is plenty of ways to keep your brand in front of the social crowd including:

• Repurposing newsletter content
• Introducing yourself and your team
• Providing education on the products you sell
• Sharing events happening in your community
• Reposting topics of interest to your followers

Remember, unless you are running an advertisement, social media is not a place to sell your services. Instead, you want to provide continuous value to your followers so when the time comes to purchase insurance, they’ll think of you!


The online world of insurance sales and marketing can seem daunting. But it doesn’t have to be. If you need assistance with one or more of the items discussed above, schedule a 1-on-1 call with us today. We’ll show you how you can take your digital presence to the next level!